Can the Crime of Ecocide Be a Planetary Legal Shield?
Crime of Ecocide; considering the challenges we faced
, it is clear that the process of criminalizing and prosecuting ecocide poses numerous legal and practical hardships. As the law alone cannot solve all the problems, far greater systemic changes are required to achieve the goals.
Die von GOOGLE eingereichte Klage bezüglich der Aufhebung der Transaktion der türkischen Wettbewerbsbehörde
Çimen Tatar
Antrag bei der türkischen Wettbewerbsbehörde Über GOOGLE
GOOGLE ist eine wirtschaftliche Einheit, die aus GOOGLE Inc, GOOGLE Internat..
Google vs Competition Authority; The Lawsuit Filed by GOOGLE
Google vs Competition Authority (Turkish): On 10 July 2015, Limited Liability Company Yandex (YANDEX) applied to the Turkish Competition Authority regarding the contracts signed by Google with original equipment manufacturers.
Where does President Biden stand on internet censorship?
Tech Writer, Privacy Advocate and VPN Expert
Will President Biden try to censor the web?
President Biden took office at a critica..
A Short Explanation About The Stoppage of Legal and Judicial Processes in Turkey During Covid-19 Period
Legal Practitioner Zehra Ilgın ULUS
In these days, one of the most serious outbreaks of humankind is being witnessed globally. An epidemic, namely ..
5 Trends in Fintech Developers Need to Know
This article was originally published at by Emily Heaslip
Fintech has become globally mainstream, with 64% of consumers adopting some ..